Monday, December 15, 2008

Forget. Accept. Remember. Thanks.

well, today is just a simple day... oh ya, ABNORMALLY i slept till 4.00pm... break my own records!! haha... so now, seem like my morning although now is already 6.30pm in the evening... again~ boring... haha...

i went to take a look at my friend's blog... so jealous... they went to a lot of place... seem like they had took a WORLD TOUR... haha... well, im not bad too... i took a HOME TOUR... travelled all the corner of my house... i found it was a simple trip... haha... i am getting insane...

besides, i went to see my older post in here... i found that i was so emo... haha... anyway, i still cant control my emo... hehe... those older post inspired me to write something... so, i decided to write this something and give this something a name, "Forget. Accept. Remember. Thanks."...

throughout this whole year, i met problems... *of course*... so after i recalled all the problems... i learnt to forget and accept... that "thing" which had happened not long ago... before our PMR... had just washed off by time... as time past, i found that isn't that hard for us to forget something and accept the fact...

maybe the problems had tortured us... but if the problems didn't exist... i may don't know what is forget and accept... as i am an emotional person... i don't know why that time he wanted change... but now i finally understand the reason...

everyone will be changing at an age or anytime... we can't control that change but we can accept the change... accept it and get use to it... forget the bads, remember the goods... this is the easiest way to solve something although it's difficult for us at first... not to hurt anyone, forget and accept is the best... accept who he/she is now... 

on the other hand, remember and thanks... this whole short year, for me is short, 'cause time flies as i spent my time with my beloved friends, best friends, best family ever and never... maybe next year i will be in the same class with them... but at least, i had been with them at least a year... somebody told me that distance may not be the reason for friendship to get farer and farer...

but for me, anything will be the factor... everything... heart. time. distance..... once when a person have forgetten you, you will be a nothing for her/him... once time past, we will lost the time we can communicate or spend time with... once distance get farer and farer, friendship will get farer and farer as well...

at first, i tought that i will be alone at that class since i didnt have any friends... but slowly, i got to know these tremendously good friends... they are so damn good... haha.. though sometime we may had some problems... but at last, we solved what...

so, i am worrying whether i will be in the same class with them or not... but, i wanna thank them... they brought me happiness, warmth... 


this is why i write this something... haha... to thank my friends for being good to me... forgive everything i had done wrong... thanks for being my good, best friends...!!! THANKS A LOT!!! you will know who you guyz are if you are close to me... don't deny that you are that "who you guys are"... 'cause you guys have been become that "who you guys are" in my deep deep heart long time ago... be confidence... hehe :o)

(p.s: don't be to touch... haha... *perasan fish*) 


“每个人都有难忘的一天。我也不例外...” 这个开头,应该会常常在作文里发现吧。。。虽然有点俗气,不过,也还瞒好用的。。。





好吧。。。说到这晚宴。。。为什么我会说它让我很为难呢?就是因为它是个formal dinner。。。女生都得穿裙。。。海。。。这晚宴是我校的学生团契举行的。。。我*indirectly*的大哥,(叶子)、我弟,(恐龙)、我儿子, (大熊)都是这社团的其一会员。。。听说他们也是委员之一哦。。。他们好心邀请我们去。。。(“我们”包括我,小猫猴子绿茶)。。。我、绿茶和小猫平时什么都没默契。。。就是我们不爱穿裙的“好味”相投。。。不过,她始终穿了裙,也看开了。。。除此之外,还穿了高跟鞋呢!!在下女侠,佩服~佩服~

本来,我们是打算要吓吓恐龙、叶子和育豪。。。因为我们并没有告诉他们我们有出席。。。不过叻,不懂做么他们会懂,就没什么惊喜。。。cerh~不好玩的。。。哈哈。。。让时光倒流一会儿,正当我们还在车里时,绿茶和猴子一直在作弄我。。。说什么我穿裙子哦~~ 几欠扁几下的咯~~ 害我不知所措。。。我妈帮“外”不帮亲哦。。。联合他们一起来欺负我,真没良心的。。。哈哈。。。*够力*


就是我们的恐龙,恐爸爸和他的儿子叶子,叶儿子啦。。。哇。。。他们真的好父子哦。。。哈哈。。。可能是因为行为与服装上的差别吧。。。真怀疑他们上一世是不是父子啊??超像得耶。。。*标准*当晚,每个人穿的都还不赖哦。。。江东子弟多才俊,“江西姐妹多美艳”。。。本鱼就例外啦~~  呵呵

可是,育豪却emo emo 的。。。我们可爱的叶大哥说他在耍自闭、耍帅喔。。。我也不懂。。。或许他已经安静惯了。。。也许是件好事啦。。。因为。。。我们已经够吵闹了,如果加上他,后果不用用不堪设想,就用后果不想就懂来形容吧。。。哈哈。。。 

还有哦。。。我要投诉!!!哇,今晚可真差点血压过高,休克进院。。。罪魁祸首少不了“父子挡”,更少不了那对“姐妹花”。。。口才“极好”的他们把我suan得够力又够力。。。几欠扁几百下的。。。哈哈。。。不过,没关系,这次绕了他们。。。下次,应该不会输了啦。。。我应在家练练我的“金妙丹”。。。以后, 见到他们时,就可吞一粒,让我的功力增进百倍。。。哇咔咔咔。。。那时,可别叫我绕了你们哦。。。哈哈。。。本鱼不发威,把我当病鱼了是不是??哈哈。。。

过后叻,在结束之前,他们就有个小合唱。。。脸皮厚到就连机关枪都打不进的叶大哥,不停的叫他们邀请他。。。厚~~果然,好了。。。这次他甘愿了咯,他唱了后,结果外面真的下起绵绵细雨咯。。。给我猜中了。。。并果!!更惨的是,大熊还跟我们这几个冬瓜邀歌哦。。。这下可惨了。。。我们又不是这社团的人。。。我们怎么会唱这些歌呀~~ 难道他要我们就像个傻番薯一样,在台上拍拍手、对对嘴??哇~哈哈。。。怎么可能??在上面给人看着,就像在动物园,我们是耍杂技的。。。哈哈。。。不行啦。。。我们被人看是可要换钱的哦。。。以秒计费。。。哈哈。。。开玩笑。。。

最后,绿茶说她的两位“私家司机”(她的爸妈)带着她的南瓜车到了,所以我们得向饭店挥挥手、到个别。。。我们的依依不舍让我们留下了热泪。。。(没有这样感动、夸张啦。。。哈哈。。。今天讲话有点sot sot的,电线结错,机器故障。。。paiseh。。。)

今晚的宴会,还好啦。。。就当它是与朋友聚会喽。。。还瞒开心的。。。这是我第一次的经验哦。。。我认为它是个美丽又好玩的经验咯。。。充满着欢乐。。。虽然那大熊,耍帅又hao lian 没有采我们*开玩笑*,不过没关系。。。他有工作在身。。。就当他吃亏,没和我们闹在一起。。。哈哈。。。就写到到此为止吧~~ 现在已是早上接近5时了。。。得找周公的儿子下下棋、喝喝茶、聊聊天、说说地。。。拜了~~


我写了酱多。。。你们该不会连些许的comment也没有吧。。。尤其是那些被我bold的名字的朋友们。。。写写几个字嘛。。。至少让我的部落格感觉上有人看。。。没有的话,很像我一直写都没人有反应。。。自言自语、自问自答。。。别害我中忧郁症啦。。。哈哈。。。看我酱好帮你们吹销你们的美丽的大名。。。你们应该感到幸运有这么好的朋友。。。珍惜点吧。。。哇咔咔咔咔。。。 =P


Saturday, December 13, 2008






天天翻开报纸,少不了许多为情自杀的新闻、抢劫夺命案。。。这些命案的罪魁祸首何尝不是执著??就拿为情自杀吧~被情人给甩了,人啊,还一直死缠烂打、执著着旧情人。。。这岂不是自己找苦头往自己的嘴巴里塞吗??到最后,却以死字来解决自己、惩罚自己。。。对一时冲动的你来说,或许就没想那么多。。。只希望旧情人回来看你一眼, 要回以前未完的情感。。。对待自己的方式,会不会差了一点啊??还有,被报纸登了为情自杀的新闻,每个人只会不停的骂你傻。。。值得吗?




看吧~ 执著是不是个大恶魔??它随时随地、悄悄的侵袭你的心灵。。。因为不坚定的思绪,所以给这该死的恶魔给动摇。。。执著着自己认为对的道理。。。执著着自己的孤僻。。。害得我们有时会与世隔绝。。。但是,说到这里,

忽然,觉得这执著也不是每天都扮演着剧里的坏角色, 有时它还挺好的哦~


哎~~ 执著呀,执著~ 你究竟是个什么东西?摸不着你的心机、你的行踪。。。

或许。。。执著就像烹饪里头的酱油吧~ 适当的时候,我们就应该“放任而下”酱油,让食物更为完美。。。但,有时,我们却得看清食物里头的酱料,看看我们需不需要放它。。。

因此,我们应该慎思,几时该执著、几时不该执著~ 把他人与自己的伤害减到最低。。。体恤别人的心。。。这能让我们更能懂得体谅别人。。。不捆绑别人。。。让他们好好的飞。。。看了,自己不就会好过一些吗?


打开心房,放下执著!!好让更多的人走进你心里的秘密花园。。。 一起谱出一首曲子高调、轻快的歌吧。。。让花园里的花儿快活的生长。。。化不完美为完美。。。 让世界存有温情、更温馨 。。。

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Options of life...

it's time for me to choose... choose to way to which road... is it the left or the right?? someone keep on asking me to choose the left... but she said that, for my own good, i shouldn't just give up the right... since already been two years and maybe there will be the third year... should i choose to give up?? 

it's time for me to choose only ONE... not two... there shouldn't be TWO... you cannot be such greedy to have TWO in one time... I don't know which one I should choose... which one?? which one??? can anyone help me?? I hate to choose my two beloved...

they are the things which is one of the support of my life... they are the force which push me to achieve higher in everything... to be better... to change from worst to good... but i don't i can be the best of all... 'cause i am not suitable to be classified in the group of best... i cannot be the best... 

result is going to be announced soon... i don't know whether i can achieve what i want... i don't think i can anymore... there is not much hope... what i affraid of is... when the result is out, and i realised i don't achieve what i want... i may change... 'cause i am totally dissapointed with myself... i scare this change may cause lots of things to happen... i may lost my beloved friends... 

'cause sometimes, i just can't control myself from changing... i hope when i really change, my friends will understand me... although they may not understand what is the reason for me to have this big change.... i still hope that they will not be hurt by me... hehe... this is only my prediction...

many friends asked me... why i care so much for my PMR's result?? why??? it's only a PMR... there is still SPM... but i can tell you why... because i had done my very best for my PMR... i did hardly for it... maybe i did not did well in the exam... but my expectation of myself is very high... and because we can only have this PMR exam once in the life time... if you score badly in that, you will be very regret why you didn't did well on it... this is my thoughts... 

maybe some of my friends can't accept my weird concept... but i still can't change my own concept of this... *winks* hehe... well, today why i wrote this "Option of Life"... because i have to choose something... this little thing make my headache... i choose this one... i feel like i cant give up another one... this thing making my brain almost burst... haiz... 

hm... maybe i still need time for me to make my decision... i will not give up both now... i will still walking down with both of them... never give up... maybe this tiring me... but still i will... for them i will... hehe... i willing to do everything... 

There are many options in life,

Everyone are born to choose options,

Whenever you choose a good option,

You can enjoy the rest of your life.

Good options are for us to choose,

Bad options are for us to reject,

Try our best to choose,

Look clear to reject.

When you are tired of choosing options,

Take it easy,

Stop our steps,

And take a rest..

Before i go, hehe, this is for Dino... "Hey, not bad wor you... you had updated yourself, visiting my blog... haha... not bad not bad... at least, you wont ketinggalan zaman la...~~ hahaha... =P... of course, some of my post have to be funny ma... otherwise, you want all my post be emo emo de??? no way... sometimes i cant control myself to be high .... hehehe... " BYE~!! sora!~

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


前天,我去了林宇中的前场会哦~~哇,那天简直很爽!!不过,很遗憾的是,我们本来可以做到很好、很前的位置。。。不过因为那票的人迟到,还我们只好远远的看。。。*遗憾*海~ 哈哈。。。虽然当天,他有点小小的感冒,不过,他也没让我们失望,大展歌喉~。。。他长得很好很好看~唱完四首歌曲(《干物女》、《远远》、《改嫁》和《靠岸》)后,他就跟歌迷们玩游戏。。。还有还有,MYFM的DJ,文康也连同宇中到现场哦。。。他做司仪。。。他说话都得我们好开心哦。。。然后,签名会就开始了。。。我带着兴奋的心情、轻浮的脚步,手拿着宇中的专辑开心地排队。。。我那时的心情简直可用“笑得合不拢嘴”来形容。。。太开心了。。。我的第一次的经验耶。。。哈哈。。。超级开心的。。。过后,他拿了我的歌词本签上他的美丽的大名。。。预料之外,他和我握手耶!!!!哇。。。。。~~哈哈。。。你能想象我有多开心呀。。。我还想我过手后,我以后就不用洗我的左手了。。。哈哈。。。我简直疯了。。!! 过后,拍了几张照后,就带着依依不舍的心情回家了。。。多想呆在舞台看他、握他的手到我满意为止。。。因为那一秒满足不了我。。。哈哈。。。相信很多歌迷都会说,“别做梦了!!那是不可能!!!轮到我都还没轮到你啦~”哈哈。。。我开心的冲晕了脑嘛。。。不能怪我。。。哈哈。。。希望下次还能在看到林宇中回来古晋咯。。。这次的经验超级珍贵的。。。那天简直爽爆了!!“我来为你拆墙,拆得满城荒凉,久违的凉爽,喝我我炖的热汤。。。。”哈哈。。。太兴奋了。。。  就说到这里吧,别了!!!~~




